My daughter, Kati, and my wife, Chris, love musicals. Some of their favorites are, "Oklahoma," "My Fair Lady," "The King and I," and "Mary Poppins." But as I was perusing the channels last night, as men do, I saw playing on television possibly their favorite musical, "The Sound of Music." I watched long enough to hear the song, "These Are a Few of My Favorite Things." I was inspired. I began to think of some of my favorite things and then the tune was stuck in my head. I grabbed a pencil and paper and began to write my own version. You CANNOT read my song! You must sing it! Also, to help this experience, you must envision me standing on our fireplace ledge in boxers, no shirt, and a shaved chest, singing this to my family. That, my friends, is to forget your pain in a new experience. Sing along with me and learn of some of my favorite things:
Steaming hot coffee and freshly mowed grass.
Fluffy bed pillows and storms as they pass.
Hummingbirds on our feeders with fast flapping wings.
These are a few of my favorite things.
Reading a novel and long morning runs.
Basketball games and crosswords just for fun.
Listening to Chris whenever she sings.
These are a few of my favorite things.
State Tournament tickets and friends with loud laughter.
Homeade oatmeal cookies and milk soon thereafter.
Christmas tree lights and the joy that they bring.
These are a few of my favorite things.
When the game's lost
When the pain stings
When I'm feeling sad.
I simply remember my favorite things,
and then I don't feel so bad.
(Repeat all verses)
I'm not certain, but I feel some of you were not singing. Try again, and sing loudly! Okay forget the part about me in my boxers and you will enjoy the song more. Life is good and God has blessed us all with little "favorite" things to enjoy. Why? Because He loves as His children and wants us to have favorite things, to live abundantly in His joy.
Jesus said, 9 "I am the door. If anyone enters by Me, he will be saved, and will go in and out and find pasture. 10 "The thief does not come except to steal, and to kill, and to destroy. I have come that they may have life, and that they may have it more abundantly. John 10:9-10 (NKJV)
10 "If you keep My commandments, you will abide in My love, just as I have kept My Father's commandments and abide in His love. 11 "These things I have spoken to you, that My joy may remain in you, and that your joy may be full. John 15:10-11 (NKJV)
I admitted to our church family just last Sunday that I am one of very few men who really love "The Sound of Music!" You must sing this new version soon for our church. Note: shirt and pants are required!
I just sang your version of "The Sound of Music" to Mark. Yes, I SANG it! I am truly inspired by your words. I did say words and not the image of you in your boxers. I
wanted to make that perfectly clear. Ha Ha! Seriously, I have been following your blog and I have enjoyed reading your thoughts and have been inspired by your unfailing
faith. You are continuously in my
prayers. I was also glad to know you enjoy friends with loud laughter. I have been known to be shooshed at the movie theater a time or two.
Hi Kevin,
I never knew what a writer you are! I especially enjoyed your rendition of favorite things! I will share it with Ricky tonight! Kevin, Ricky and I have thought of you often lately and you are in our prayers! I have so enjoyed getting to "know" Ryan and Derick on Facebook. What great boys! Ricky was going to call you at Thanksgiving but your number was unlisted. Be blessed and know we are lifting you up to the Father!
"The Sound of Music" was the first movie I ever saw. (You know I was not allowed to go to movies.) However, when I was a junior in highschool, I won a 4-H trip to Kansas City. One of our special outings was to a huge movie theater to see "The Sound of Music." You can't imagine how I absorbed every word, scene, and of course the music! When I got home, I told MaMa and PaPa I went to the movie, but I told them I didn't have a choice...they marched us all over to the movie! Well, I guess that was a "partial lie," because I never asked if I could stay in my room and not go to the movie.
So...that movie is special to me also.
Ok..I did sing your version aloud but only to myself...and I didn't remove my shirt! Why am I not surprised that you didn't have a shirt on????
Still praying for you. Our SS lesson in my college class today (from Journey To The Cross) was about Jesus healing the centurion's servant "from afar." We discussed how the centurion had faith in Jesus' ability to heal because he somehow believed in His authority over things we can't even see...atoms, molecules and etc. and knew Jesus didn't even have to see or touch the servant.
As I was teaching, my heart "of little faith" was impressed to pray for God to change those malignant cells in your body into normal ones (well, normal as they can be in our family).
So, you are loved and remembered by people who only know you as my nephew Kevin who really needs their intercession to the One who has all power and authority in heaven and earth!
So much for my "sermonette"!
I am having lots of fun reading funny cards to send you! There are so many good ones, I may have to take out a loan.
Love you lots,
Aunt VA
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