I never thought I would start a story with a picture of "Sneezy", but my story certainly be rather dull to some of the things we read in God's Word. You know the stories, but I ask why? Why a burning bush that would not stop burning? Why a manger? A donkey (actually an ass) that talks? Swallowed by a large fish and then regurgitated!
You see, I was going for a run about 6 weeks ago now, and I leaned over to tie my shoes and sneezed. It then felt as if someone had hit me with a lead pipe that carried an electrical current. I was in my classroom and literally sat down from the pain. After a couple of weeks of pain and being treated for a pulled muscle, my chiropractor did an x-ray and decided he didn't like the looks of my 4th vertebrae, which led to an MRI, to a tumor being discovered, and you know the rest. But it started with a SNEEZE! Why not a sharp pain while lifting weights or at the end of a 20 -mile run? I think because God enjoys being God! Who else can receive the glory in a sneeze, but God!
The story of Moses and the burning bush was a life changing event for Moses and the Israelites, but what if he would not have "turned aside?" In our microwave soceity, I wonder how many things we miss because of our schedules and deadlines. This illness has caused Chris and I to pray more, to be quiet and listen for God. I know that many of you are behind on my story. The last two days have been action packed. In my last update I told you that I would not begin radiation until January 5th. On that day, Wednesday,while elated at the news of the negative
tests, I was very concerned about the delay in treatment. I am still in a lot of pain, but I have been thinking it was all surgery pain. Late that night I told Chris that my pain was deep in my spine just like before they found the tumor. So Chris began to pray!

On Thursday we traveled back to McKinney Regional Cancer Center, where the first thing was an iodine injection and a CAT scan on my skull. Moses was in the back of the desert and Chris chose to leave the comfortable waiting room to sit in a chair in the hallway. Accident or lucky? I think not! While I was in the testing room, Chris saw the radiation oncologist and they began to discuss my treatment and then he said I will see Kevin on Monday for radiation. Chris reminded him that the date had been changed to January 5th. He was shocked and said he wanted me to begin radiation immediately. I walked out of a test, which by the way, was also negative, to find out that I was beginning radiation in ten minutes.
1 Now Moses was tending the flock of Jethro his father-in-law, the priest of Midian. And he led the flock to the back of the desert, and came to Horeb, the mountain of God. 2 And the Angel of the LORD appeared to him in a flame of fire from the midst of a bush. So he looked, and behold, the bush was burning with fire, but the bush was not consumed. 3 Then Moses said, "I will now turn aside and see this great sight, why the bush does not burn." 4 So when the LORD saw that he turned aside to look, God called to him from the midst of the bush Ex 3:1-4 (NKJV)
Moses was in the "back of the desert", which reminds me that God is everywhere. Moses chose to "turn aside", which reminds me to be aware. God is working, but might we miss out on things when we are not aware of God in our lives. Did you notice in v. 4 the scriptures say that God spoke when Moses chose to turn aside? I know my prayer life has increased; I want to get better at seeing God. Where will God want to meet with me tomorrow?
I had my second radiation treatment today. I met with my spinal surgeon yesterday and he said everything looks great from the surgery. Pray that the radiation combined with the steroids will reduce the tumor. The radiation oncologist is convinced that the pain is from the tumor. Pray for our strength and courage as we run daily. Pray that we will slow down and keep seeing with God's eyes.
Every moment of my life, not just my quiet time, prayer time, or church, is a chance to have an encounter with my God.
Earth's crammed with Heaven,
and every common bush, afire with God,
but only he who sees takes off his shoes--
the rest sit around it and pluck blackberries.
Elizabeth Barrett Browning
1 comment:
This whole experience has taught me to slow down and turn aside to allw God to show me things I wouldn't ordinarily see if I keep my face set toward my own path. I am thankful for such a wise husband and best friend who allows me to learn God's life lessons with him. I love you.
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