Have you ever had something happen that should really make you angry, but it is just so bizarre that it is funny? I had one of those moments at ..................................................THE

That's right, sing it with me, "Working at the car wash, .......whoa, whoa, whoa..............
My car wash story goes like this. We were going to Plano last Saturday, so Chris could pick out her desk for her office at the new Honey Grove High School. We were going through McKinney and we decided to pull through the car wash, for a quick $4.95, exterior wash. We live on some "rustic" roads, so our black car was brown at this point. The car wash line was long on this beautiful day, as many patrons were waiting for their chance to be clean. I waited patiently with my five dollar bill in hand, and even planned on telling the lucky worker to keep the change. After about 20 minutes, the car wash employee finally walked toward our car and said, "Sorry, man, we can't wash your car today. It's too dirty."
I quickly looked around because I knew there were two options. We were either on Candid Camera, or one of my coaching buddies was sitting inside the car wash building and had paid this young man more than a nickel tip to tell me my car was too dirty for the car wash. Well, I didn't see any cameras and the young man seemed quite solemn. You see, at this car wash, it is automatic. There's really not much manual labor involved for the wash I was asking for. I just pull through and sit in my car while machines do all the washing. Here is a picture of the car. Let me add, we had not been 4-wheeling, and our car has been dirtier.

I am so glad that this is a story that is strange & humorous, but doesn't match the other places I could have been rejected in my life's journey.
- Thank you, Mom and Dad, for not making the choice of saying, "That oldest boy of ours just requires too much time and effort." "He's just too needy!"
- I appreciate Mrs. Tuttle, my 1st grade teacher, who continued to check the box on report cards.......*Talks too much.........but never stopped teaching me.
- I never thought I would say this, "Thank you, Coach Jones, for believing in me and whipping my hind-end when I needed it." You never said I was "too mischievious."
- Ever since I was diagnosed with cancer, my friend and principal, Jeff Clark, has shown grace to a teacher/coach, by allowing him to try to do his job, even though he is dealing with disease and treatment. Not once have I been told that I was too sick.
- Do you know that the most beautiful woman in the world married me? Why, you ask. I truly do not know. I have never been too poor, ugly, immature, etc.... Thank you, Chris. You are truly my best friend, and I adore you.
- But the thing that I will never comprehend is that the son of God, Jesus Christ, died for me. I was not too dirty! I did not have to clean up, straighten up, or fix-up. While I was covered in dirt, Christ died for me.